"The Poor and the sick are the heart of God. In Serving them, we serve Jesus Christ"
St. Camillus de Lellis
Lay Ministers of the Eucharist visit the community of St. Mildred who are unable or temporarily unable to attend Mass and/or receive the Sacraments. In addition to taking communion to the “homebound”, the ministers keep our priest up to date on all their Sacramental needs.
We visit those unable to join the St. Mildred community in weekly worship and “the life of the church” by sharing information about Parish activities and services.
We have meetings when information and procedures change. There is a St. Camillus Ministry Logbook to record visits and any Sacramental needs are brought to the attention of the coordinator who informs the Parish Priest. We hope that those in our Parish community who are not able to participate feel that they are not forgotten.
“We are the people of God serving the reign of God” (St. Mildred’s motto)
For more information and recommended guidelines in this beautiful ministry, please complete the 'get involved' form at the bottom-left of this page and receive updates, or contact: Margaret Hughes. [email protected] Phone# 252-808-7130.